This is created for company level policy

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption:

  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Corruption Red Flags
  • Case Study


Code of Business Conduct and Non retaliation policy:

  • Purpose and scope
  • Manager and Employee responsibilities
  • Content of code of business conduct
  • Reporting and Anti-Retaliation: mailbox and hotline

Evaluate the general suitability and work performance of newly hired staff by assessing their skills, knowledge, business conduct, capability and cultural alignment before confirming the appointment to the position.

Link orientation, training, development with job role and performance expectation. Ensure the support to new staff to settle into the organization, learn the key elements of job role, and successftilly carry out the job responsibilities.

Set fair, objective and transparent probation evaluation process with a supportive framework and in line with employment regulation requirements.

The purpose of this POLICY for Goal Setting is to set clear expectation on business goals aligned with company strategy and personal leadership behaviors. Understand how performance will be evaluated to increase performance management transparency. Motivate employees to strive for higher performance with strong sense of achievement. Set as a basis continuous career development. The purpose of setting performance review POLICY is that everyone deserves quality feedback on performance and receive advices for personal development. h’s an important step for employees, together with managers. to measure business achievements and how results are achieved against goals and expectations. Link performance with rewards and recognition. Understand what has done well and areas for improvement. Set the baseline for individual development plan for competency and knowledge enhancement.


dMed Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy requires compliance with the highest ethical standards and all anti-corruption laws applicable in the countries where dMed conducts business. Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy requires all dMed employees and any third party acting for or on behalf of dMed to ensure that all dealings with third parties, both in the private and government sectors, are carried out in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and with the standards of integrity required for all dMed business. Bribery or corruption is the provision of any payment or benefit to any person or entity in order to improperly influence the recipient or to gain an improper business advantage. dMed won’t tolerate the corruptive activities of any kind, whether committed by dMed employees, management team or third-parties acting for or on behalf of dMed.
